Saturday, February 15, 2025 Search
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 Team Photo Album Minimize

Below you will be able to see our team photo album. The pictures are grouped by "Album", and these are usually related to one particular activity or tournament. To open one specific album, just click on the image for the album. This will present small versions (or thumbnails) of the pictures in the album. At this point you can click on any of the pictures to open a new window with the bigger size picture.  To browse through all the pictures, click on the arrows located on the upper, left hand corner of the viewer.

Something you must remember, in case you run into problems getting the picture viewer pop-up, is that if you have some sort of "Pop-up Blocker" you should deactivate it temporarily since the viewer is actually a new pop-up window. Better yet, to solve this situation permanently for our site, just add our URL to the list of "Trusted Sites" in your browser.

We hope you enjoy these pictures. Come back often as we will be adding new pictures regularly.


 Photo Gallery 2 Minimize


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